Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Bogdan says, "EAT YOUR BIRD."
"And stay away from mine."

("Heh heh. The Investor is horrified! She is not a superb cat hunter and feeds on Tofurkey.")

Photo from post-Thanksgiving cat fest in 2009. Turkey courtesy of The Man's parents.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kittens looking for homes

By Bogdan
Morning Scratch editor

Hello, Cat Blogosphere. Long time, no report. But I have a pressing matter (in fact, three).

These kittens the Investor has been occasionally posting about in my newspaper are in need of homes. See, there were five. But luckily the woman found a home for two of them. But that leaves the Morning Scratch staff with three. These three novice reporters — they are 12 weeks old — are reliable and curious, but I cannot give them jobs here. That's where you, loyal readers, come in.

First, here's Mr. Boots. He's extremely playful, but can be totally chill. He likes being held and enjoys soft belly scratches.

Here's Miss Kitty. She's the runt, but you wouldn't know it from her personality. She's fierce! She holds her own, and she is extremely curious. A real cutie.

This is Maggie. She's loves to play, but she's a little shy. She seems to really like kitty companionship, so maybe if you take her with Miss Kitty or if she could have other kitty friends, that would be best for her.

If you are interested or have any questions, please leave a comment here or e-mail me, Mr. Bogdan, Morning Scratch editor, at

From the Investor: I live on the Central Coast of California, in San Luis Obispo County. I'd be willing to drive to meet others at a reasonable distance. I'd like to see these kittens go to indoor-only homes, as I brought them indoors the day after they were born outdoors hoping to give them a better life. Their mama is a full-bred Siamese whose owners were irresponsible. They are up-to-date on shots and mama was tested for FIV and feline leukemia and tested neg. The kittens saw the vet just on Monday morning, and they got an all-clear on health and shots (all that is left is the rabies shot, which would be due in about two weeks). They are healthy and happy kittens. All they need now is a safe place to call home. Thank you!

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Great Sun Puddle Discovery

5 weeks, 4 days old
Originally uploaded by AnJRobillard
They discovered sun puddles on their 5th week, 4th day alive. It was an amazing thing to watch as they curled up, stretched and rolled in the delight of the warm sun for the first time.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Crazy kittens

Crazy kittens
Originally uploaded by AnJRobillard
They're growing up fast!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

It was my birthday?

I hardly noticed it was my birthday around here! The Investor forgot about it.
Bogdan says: "Kittens are overrated."

All I hear about now is kittens, kittens, kittens. Couldn't a dude at least get an extra treat on his special day? I don't ask for much!

Thank you, friends, for remembering my birthday. And embarrassing the Investor for forgetting.

Monday, April 12, 2010

12 Days Old

12 Days Old
Originally uploaded by AnJRobillard
Kitty cats are learning to express themselves.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Kittehs at 6 days old

6 days old
Originally uploaded by AnJRobillard
Mama Toulouse has been moved indoors. Family has taken up residence in the spare bathroom. All are doing well, eating well, mewing well. Eyes are still closed, but the kittens have already started to pull themselves around the bathtub. I'm trying to motivate myself to clean up the junk room and turn it into a "kitten nursery." Toulouse's owners don't seem to care about her, so we're officially taking them in. - Investor

The Morning Scratch staffers' reactions:
Kat 3: "There's kittens! And more food in the house! Weeee!"
Jeff: "Hiissssss"
Sara: "Mom! I want all the attention!"
Bogdan: "ANOTHER one? ANOTHER FIVE??? Does this woman EVER stop with the cats. I don't think I can create any more staff positions. I put my paw down."
George: "My cat house stinks like .... gooey kittens."

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Video of Toulouse and babies

Neighbor's cat Toulouse had five babies in George's cat house.