Saturday, March 17, 2007

They left us so they could hang out with some nuts

Here are walnuts from last year's harvest at Patches' ranch.

By Bogdan
Morning Scratch editor

The investor and the man left the Cats of the Household home alone for a few days recently. The editor, of course, kept everything under control (by eating everyone's food).
The two humans reportedly left to go visit human and animal family living in California's Central Valley. Before there were three cats in the Household, the editor went on all visits; however, the investor says traveling with three felines is too difficult.
Plus, Kat 3 hates the car and once broke off a carrier's door in a panic. The investor says Kat 3 has claustrophobia.
"No, I don't!" Kat 3 whined. "I just don't like such a small space - that's all."
The editor has told Kat 3 to look up claustrophobia in a dictionary.
Also, the cats are no longer allowed in the human grandparents' house after the editor got stuck behind the washing machine, spilled hot tea all over grandma and the new carpet, escaped the house twice, and tormented Aunt Rudy the cat until she wouldn't come into the house from the garage. The editor denies any and all accusations.
The Morning Scratch acquired exclusive photos from the humans' trip.

Great Aunt Patches has a walnut ranch. Right now all the trees are bare. Harvest is in October. Here she is watching over the trees. She's a very busy woman and has great business sense.

Because the oven wasn't working at the ranch, the humans grilled the take-and-bake pizza. It was the man's idea, and it worked just fine, the humans reported.

Patches also keeps horses at her ranch. Here they are, eating grass. The editor wonders whether they puke, too, after eating the yummy grasses.

This pond also belongs to Patches. She uses it to irrigate her many acres of walnuts. She had her humans build it for her so that she wouldn't ever be without water when the trees are hungry. Talk about planning. She is quite the entrepreneur.

ADVERTISEMENT: Buy Diamond and Emerald walnuts! YUMMY!

TO EVERYONE: Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Daisy said...

Great report Bogdan! That Patches is a very lucky cat; I can see why she is so busy. I like looking at the horsies, they seem nice. I hope they don't cause a stampede.

Grilled pizza sounds good!

Anonymous said...

This was very informative and interesting too. I love batting those brown balls around the house. Do your people bring any home for you guys?
Ant Patches has quite the life, busy but really beautiful living on the land like that. I think your sisters are cute. I hate that cage thing too.


Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Well said, Bogdan! The pictures are very nice, and please let me know if the horses throw up too (from the grass).

Artsy Catsy said...

Excellent article, Bogdan, as always. Those walnuts would be great fun on our hardwood floors!
